Use the opportunities of digitization
The majority of companies have recognized digitization as a strategic issue.
A major challenge is to convert the potentials of digitization into benefits and results.
The basic prerequisite for this is a common understanding in management about change in business and digitization.
The next step is the derivation of the digital requirements from the corporate strategy, which leads to a concrete digitization agenda with clear statements, measures for business segments, market performance and functions.
Take appropriate action
With the exact idea of the key processes, which are to be supported by digital technologies, the implementation is carried out.
In doing so, it is important to implement the transformation projects in the correct order to achieve a benefit as quickly as possible.
Once the implementation program is clear, organizational structures and management processes (structures, sequences, interfaces, responsibilities) have to be adapted to the digitization.
A task that must not be underestimated is the preparation of employees and managers for digitization (change management and personnel development).
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